
Self/Scape: An Exploration of Belonging and Wayfaring

Miguel Angel Paredes
Fullerton College & University of Cape Town
Los Angeles, CA

Self/Scape is a theatrical autoethnographic sonic exploration of searching, belonging, and meditating the socio-cultural conditions and the lived experiences of a globalized Latino in a moment of anti-immigrant sentiment around the world. Following the framework of Practice as Research (PaR), this piece is the culmination of Miguel’s research at University of Cape Town in which a theatrical production is transformed into a curated space that is made to coexist with(in) a digital soundscape. This piece has been created to be experienced through the use of headphones and QR codes. Each QR code will be specifically placed in relation to the content of the code which documents the journey of self-discovery through a multitude of global spaces, especially in Los Angeles, Massachusetts, and Cape Town.

Self/Scape: An Exploration of Belonging and Wayfaring
Publication: USITT Current Practices and Research in Sound
April 16, 2020